In March 2013, we began a pilot project to train families of children with cerebral palsy how to work together to allow their child to live as independently as possible at home.
We settled on some Conductive Education techniques as being the best method. Conductive Education is not a therapy but a way of teaching the child to problem-solve their environment. It is a process that allows the individual to learn to develop movements that help him or her overcome the obstacles that they encounter in their daily life, and incorporates all normal daily activities.
This picture show a member of our physical therapy team at home with one of our students, a highly intelligent four-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, fortunate to have a doting and pro-active family who are keen to do whatever is needed to support his development.
If working with this family is effective, we will extend the training to other families of children with cerebral palsy at our centre.
You can help us to reach more children and their families by sponsoring a child to come to our Centre.