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Vietnam Social Work, Children with Disability and Education

The Kianh Foundation > Blog > _stories > Vietnam Social Work, Children with Disability and Education

















Our social worker, Ms Nhat, is busy transitioning some of our pupils back into mainstream. We thought we had missed our chance with this 12-year-old boy, because of his age. He has some physical disability but has learned so many things in the 5 years he has been with us, including being able to walk short distances.

Previously denied a place at his local mainstream school, Nhat has worked with the school to now accept him. He lives alone with his mother who is chronically ill, so he needs to get himself to school and needs the kind of vehicle he is pictured with here (known as a push-me-pull=me). It costs US$ 250. Can you help?

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Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam

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