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Christmas 2016 – children's education success

The Kianh Foundation > Blog > _stories > Christmas 2016 – children's education success
Be a part of enabling young special needs children to achieve their goals.
Our Voice: Be a part of enabling a young special needs child to achieve their goal. Our children have many obstacles to overcome and the power of speech and communication can bring great pride on their journey to success.

Be a part of enabling young children to achieve their goal. Our children have many obstacles to overcome and the power of speech and communication can bring great pride on their journey to success.

As we enter the festive season, will you join our journey to provide life-changing education and therapy services to children with special needs?

To live in isolation is not living. For some, just to be heard creates a new affirmation. The kiss of the warm sun, the embrace of a positive environment. The eyes of your care giver, your teacher. Our children have made steady progress to connect with their World and express who they are.

Speech is fundamental to connection and happiness. Our teachers work tirelessly with Minh, Thanh and Linh (names changed for confidentiality) to understand the underlying causes of their communication difficulties. Everyday we make progress with their understanding and engagement.

Over the next 6 weeks we are going to tell you their story, show you their character and meet the team who enable success. Join with us on our quest to raise the financial support required to take Minh, Thanh and Linh on a path of joy in 2017.

Secure online donations can be made on our campaign fundraising page:


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