Pure joy was written all over the young students’ faces. The excitement was palpable. For many, it was their first time on a train! It was also their first time away from their families, homes and local community.
Travelling on “The Vietage” luxury train from Da Nang to the coastal city of Quy Nhon was a trip of a lifetime for 12 of our young students with cerebral palsy. They enjoyed food, drinks and even spa treatments during the 6-hour journey to their evening’s sumptuous accommodation at the 5-Star Anantara Quy Nhon Villas! The following day was filled with fun activities including pizza-making and beach games, before the journey home to their families. The memories from this once-in-a-lifetime experience will undoubtedly remain with the children for the rest of their lives.

In many ways, this train journey symbolises Kianh Foundation’s work and the reason for our existence. For nearly 20 years, we have provided life-changing experiences and opportunities to children with disability who would otherwise have been excluded. We’ve created countless, wonderful, childhood memories that will stay long into adulthood. Our school has been a beacon of hope, guiding and improving the lives of hundreds of children with disability, and their families.
Unfortunately, covid19 has seriously impacted upon our ability to keep our programmes running. Like so many small organisations & businesses, we’ve taken a battering this year, financially and also emotionally, and we are now facing the very real possibility of closure in 2021.
Our work has never been more needed than at this time of global turmoil and uncertainty. We have been a constant force for good in the lives of children with disability, but if we are to keep on track and continue our amazing journey, we need your help now.
Please make a regular donation TODAY:
Online (in 3 simple clicks):
In the UK (with a UK mobile phone contract) SMS/TEXT:
Text KFOPPORTUNITY 3 to 70085 to donate £3 monthly
Texts cost £3 plus two standard rate messages and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £3 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text KFOPPORTUNITYNOINFO 3 to 70085.
* Simply change the number “3” to any amount you wish to commit to monthly.
Photos courtesy of The Vietage (https://www.thevietagetrain.com/)
Anantara Quy Nhon Villas (https://www.anantara.com/en/quy-nhon)