UK | Phone: +44 (0)151 270 118 | Charity Number: 1094902

VN | Điện Thoại: 0235 3940027 | VN NGO: 92/CNV-VPDA

Deeper Insights

Radio, Film & Write Up

Would you like to go a little bit deeper on what we do, how and why?

Look no further:

1) A BBC Radio interview with Founder and CEO, Jackie Wrafter M.B.E:

2) A Viet Nam News write up with a delightful video embedded highlighting one of our female students:

3) Finally, a donor eyes view of life at our school:


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79 Forfar Road
Liverpool L13 8DX
United Kingdom

Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam

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