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High-Powered Hearing Aids needed for a Deafblind girl

The Kianh Foundation > Blog > _stories > High-Powered Hearing Aids needed for a Deafblind girl

Deafblind girl in Vietnam needs hearing aids

















We are trying to raise money for the purchase of 2 high-powered hearing aids for one of our pupils, a bright, determined and highly cognitive little girl who has severe hearing and sight impairments.

Born with severe medical problems caused by Rubella Virus, this 4-year-old girl spent the first 2 years of her life undergoing major surgeries. The virus left her with slight tunnel vision in her left eye and what we had believed was profound deafness.

Despite these challenges, during the year and a half she has spent at our school, she has managed to learn simple sign language and is now able to join in with class activities. The behaviour issues caused from the sheer frustration of being a bright, highly cognitive little being, locked in a body with severely limited senses, have now decreased significantly.

In consultations with an international audiologist, we have been informed that whilst her hearing level is well below normal speech range, her hearing threshold will be improved by finely tuned hearing aids so that it will be within the speech range and she will be able to clearly hear speech sounds in a conversational setting. This is great news!

Sadly, the price of these hearing aids costs more than the entire family earnings for over 1 year.

Having access to one of her major senses would open up a whole new world of development and opportunity to this little girl.

Can YOU help give this girl the chance of hearing?

Donations can be made on our secure fundraising page here: Hearing Aid Fundraising Campaign

Alternatively, Australian and American tax-deductible donations can be made here:

Australian Tax-Deductible Donations click:

American Tax-Deductible Donations click:

Please email us, at the address below, to let us know that you have donated for the hearing aid fundraising campaign. We can then update our campaign records accordingly.

Contact Nick Keegan at for further information.


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79 Forfar Road
Liverpool L13 8DX
United Kingdom

Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam

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