UK | Phone: +44 (0)151 270 118 | Charity Number: 1094902

VN | Điện Thoại: 0235 3940027 | VN NGO: 92/CNV-VPDA

With your support...

Children get to blossom into their best selves


We have from 80 - 100 children at our centre at any one time, depending on available funding for additional programs. We have a waiting list of over 200 verified children in dire need. A consensus study with local authorities suggests over 1000 children in the immediate communes are not receiving any form of formal education or help and assistance with their disabilities. Our students are split into 1 of 5 different classes based on ability and disability. Our classes are staffed by 5 professional, experienced, internationally trained special needs teachers and assistants. Each student has a customised Individual Education Plan (IDP) and receives a full suite of therapies and dedicated teaching time at international standard. Our students are never more than 4:1 with a teacher. It costs us £140 per month (or £1,680 a year) to keep a student in full time special needs education. Whilst this may seem expensive, the average cost of a full time special education in the UK is around £20,000 a year, and this can increase depending on the nature of the child’s disability. We are aware that £140 is a large amount for many people to commit to monthly, and any regular donation towards this amount is a help to us and a help to the child. Every day we fight to simply maintain school places for our existing student body; please jump in, donate and make a difference for one of these children today.


Down's Syndrome

Phuc is a 6 year old boy with Down's Syndrome who has just joined our school. He is a friendly and happy little child and has entered our Early Development programme. Phuc s currently non verbal, and also cannot walk, so needs regular physio sessions. needs financial support: 165 GBP per month keeps Phuc in full time education and therapy. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Phuc" in the message box when donating.



Cerebral Palsy

Mac is a 4 year old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Mac's Cerebral Palsy affects his speech, his fine motor skills and his ability to walk. He also has a congenital heart problem. He is a shy, sweet natured little boy, with normal cognitive ability. He is in the right place to support his education and his physical development and speech, and is a good age to begin. Mac just needs financial support: 165 GBP per month keeps Mac in full time education. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Mac" in the message box when donating.




Hoang is a 6 year old boy with Autism. He has just joined our Early Development programme and currently needs support learning to communicate and to engage with the world around him.

Hoang just needs financial support: 165 GBP per month keeps Hoang in full time education. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Hoang" in the message box when donating.



Down's Syndrome

Trieu is a 4 year old boy who has Down's Syndrome and who has just started our Early Development programme. He comes from a large family with 5 other siblings and his mum and dad are labourers. Trieu is a charming, affectionate and happy little boy with a lot of potential. All he needs now is financial support: 165 GBP per month keeps Trieu in full time education. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Trieu" in the message box when donating.



Cognitive Delay

Duy is a 7 year old boy with developmental delay. He is a bright, happy and very talkative little boy who has been able to skip our Early Development programme and go straight into our Early Numeracy and Literacy class. Duy has masses of potential so long as he gets the right support. It costs us 165 GBP a month to keep Duy in full time education. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Duy" in the message box when donating.



Cognitive Delay

Phuong is a 9 year old girl with developmental delay and is also on the Autism Spectrum. She is a smiley and very mischievous little girl with a good ability to learn. She has entered the Early Numeracy and Literacy programme at our school where she is doing well. As well as a general education, Phuong also needs support with her communication and some of her behaviours.

Phuong just needs financial support: 165 GBP per month keeps Phuong in full time education. Any amount helps, particularly a regular monthly donation. Please write "Phuong" in the message box when donating.



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79 Forfar Road
Liverpool L13 8DX
United Kingdom

Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam

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