UK | Phone: +44 (0)151 270 118 | Charity Number: 1094902

VN | Điện Thoại: 0235 3940027 | VN NGO: 92/CNV-VPDA

At Kianh...

We help our students learn how they are smart


Kianh has developed International standard special needs programmes over nearly two decades. This has been achieved with numerous skilled, professional overseas experts from many different fields; academic, physical and speech therapy. These experts on children's education have worked tirelessly with Jackie and a team of dedicated local staff to impart their knowledge, skills and education delivery systems. Our team of local, primarily female teachers have benefited from becoming highly trained and empowered women in their communities with many positive financial and gender ripple effects. Kianh delivers customised education plans for each of our students including individual IEP’s (Individual education plan) and tailored classroom curriculums where children have an expert staff member for every 4 students. Help further the progress of many lives by fully/partially sponsoring one of our unique classrooms (great corporate/CSR opportunity).

Each Classroom costs £3,325 per month to maintain. Click below for more information.

Untitled (1500 x 1000 px) (1500 x 1000 px) (1000 x 1440 px) (1000 x 1440 px) (1000 x 1440 px)
55% Funded

Laughing Lions

The “Lions” are older students who can’t attend mainstream schools. They study an abridged version of the mainstream Vietnamese curriculum and Kianh’s customised schedule: art, yoga, dance and performance. Vocational training is a large part of this class as we support the students to discover what they would like to do and be in their adult life. “Laughing Lions” are challenged with C.P, learning difficulties and Autism. The physically able students assist their school friends with Cerebral Palsy when necessary, whilst the students with physical challenges model social behaviour and communication for them in return. This class has galvanised many behavioural breakthroughs for Autistic students.

Untitled (1500 x 1000 px) (1500 x 1000 px) (1000 x 1440 px) (1000 x 1440 px)
60% Funded

Big Bears

A class for older students with cognitive disabilities. The emphasis in this class is on functional ability and students are encouraged to become as independent as possible in their daily life skills, such as areas of self-hygiene and dressing, eating, doing simple chores, going to the market, preparing food and understanding money. Students in this class undertake a number of vocational projects that support the environment, such as making organic plates and paper bags to be used instead of plastic ones. Students with higher ability are also given additional training and are supported to find meaningful work once they leave the centre, if possible.

Untitled (1500 x 1000 px) (1500 x 1000 px) (1000 x 1440 px) (1000 x 1440 px) (1)
20% Funded

Cute Cats

An early development classroom for our youngest pupils. We aim to start intervention as soon as possible and some students are able to start this programme at the age of two. The children in these classrooms come with many different challenges and have Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome, Cognitive Delay and Deaf/Blindness. In these classrooms, they will learn good foundation skills for social behaviour, communication (whether it be verbal, sign or symbol), functional independence and will start to discover the world around them and their place in it. This is also the place where that all-important element of self-confidence will begin to be nurtured.

40% Funded

Tiny Tigers

A class for younger students with good cognitive ability. Its main focus is to encourage early numeracy and literacy skills in its students. If these skills are mastered, students are sometimes able to transition to mainstream school. If unaccepted by a local school, they will graduate to the Laughing Lions class to follow a mainstream curriculum there. As with all of our students, those in this class are encouraged and supported to develop independent communication, good social behaviours and functional independence.

50% Funded

Busy Bees

An early development classroom for our youngest pupils. We aim to start intervention as soon as possible and some students are able to start this programme at the age of two. The children in these classrooms come with many different challenges and have Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome, Cognitive Delay and Deaf/Blindness. In these classrooms, they will learn good foundation skills for social behaviour, communication (whether it be verbal, sign or symbol), functional independence and will start to discover the world around them and their place in it. This is also the place where that all-important element of self-confidence will begin to be nurtured.

55% Funded

Development Therapy

The centre serves out-patients as well as full-time students at the school. Students with physical disability or delay will have several sessions in this room per week, as will out-patients. Out-patients are typically very young children who will be able to enter the programme full-time once they have developed some skills; or are children in the mainstream system who need some additional support, or are severely cognitively disabled children whose parents need guidance to look after them at home. Therapy at the centre is a mixture or physical-, occupational- and communication therapy that always comes with a heavy dose of fun and play.

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79 Forfar Road
Liverpool L13 8DX
United Kingdom

Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam

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