dictionary | The Kianh Foundation

UK | Phone: +44 (0)151 270 118 | Charity Number: 1094902

VN | Điện Thoại: 0235 3940027 | VN NGO: 92/CNV-VPDA

Kianh's Blog

Communication Book gives new lease of life

This 12 year old boy has a lot of speech problems created by his Cerebral Palsy. In the ...

The Healing Art of Dance Therapy

This April we were fortunate to have Howard Wilkinson, and his partner, Nicole Venter, from Melbourne working with ...

Homegrown Children

In March 2013, we began a pilot project to train families of children with cerebral palsy how to ...

Expect the Impossible

In September 2012, we took 2 children into our programme that seemed to have such challenging issues, that ...

Childhood As It's Meant To Be

One of the best things about our work is seeing how much fun the children have together. Most ...

Child with Down's Syndrome Blossoms

Every so often, we see proof that our programme is really working when one of the children suddenly ...


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Viet Nam:

Thôn Cổ An 4,
Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam