The month of May provided some glee as we returned to a sense of normality, in our little corner of Earth. Our students are all back in classes at Kianh since the “lock-down” was lifted across Viet Nam. We have 100% attendance and our school has quietly got back to business as normal, nothing new. Our kids are reveling being back together again and are full of good cheer and hubris, despite the 40 degree weather!
Happily, during the course of May we gained 3 full monthly child sponsorship’s via our website. Hanh, Linh and Thao are all now securely in school until the end of 2020. Of course, there are still far too many of our students families hoping to hear the same good news. With the Coronavirus causing so much upheaval and loss of income for so many, having children in full time education is vital to the recovery paradigm and of course its vital for children’s development.
Are you considering helping a child? Here’s what some of our gracious donors have to say:

“I met Jackie in October 2008. The day I met her, I met a hero. Of all the non-profits I had visited, Jackie at The Kianh Foundation was the only person I’ve ever known to turn down a donation. Who turns down money? She had an honest and refreshing answer. She knew I was deeply moved by one little girl named Hong. At the time, sponsorship’s were not available for individual children, and she refused my money because she could not guarantee the money would only go to Hong. After that, I knew I wanted to help The Kianh Foundation anyway I could.
The following year, my husband and I were honored when asked to start a U.S. branch of The Kianh Foundation. We immediately said yes. Years later, we were thrilled on April 11, 2012 when The Dien Ban Day Center opened its doors to children with special needs.
We know we’re making a difference by improving the lives of these children. At the school, the children’s smiles, laughter and joy transcend everything. I always leave with a renewed sense of hope that comes from the optimism and determination of these resilient kids. It’s always impressive to see the progress they have made. When dignity is shown to them, their self-confidence soars. While special education is the main focus at the school, the new- found friendships and acceptance is equally important.
The educational and physical work The Kianh Foundation does with the children is in concert with local traditions and cultural appreciation. Jackie has become someone the locals love and respect. The dignity that she wants these children to experience is undiluted by anyone who tells her it can’t be done. CCN Heroes . . . I hope you’re watching!”
– Kelly & Family.

“I chose to support Kianh because they are a beacon of hope for a community that has been pushed aside for too long. I wanted to make sure any funds I raised went to an organization that used resources in an honest way. When I first decided to support Kianh, I had hoped they were a true aide to special needs children in central Vietnam, a very overlooked country, that could not get help anywhere else. When I got to see the school first hand, I was sure of this. They don’t back down from a challenge and use every resource they have to help those that need it. Kianh does everything possible to ensure a better life for the children they care for. I feel lucky that I got to learn about, see, and work with the Kianh Foundation because every dollar they are given goes exactly where it is needed and helps transform lives. Kianh is a charity full of people with incredible hearts and full commitment to improving the lives of their students, families and the entire community.”
– Maya, independent fundraiser.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”
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If you’d like to make a donation, please consider one of our Kianh Children, a little goes a very long way…
Thank you.