downsyndrome | The Kianh Foundation

UK | Phone: +44 (0)151 270 118 | Charity Number: 1094902

VN | Điện Thoại: 0235 3940027 | VN NGO: 92/CNV-VPDA

Kianh's Blog

A countryside shack

Wooden Walls and a Tin Roof

Wooden walls and a tin roof - this is the last line of defence; all that stands between ...
A young student looks dreamily out of a train window

The Journey

The Journey. Pure joy was written all over the young students' faces. The excitement was palpable. For many, ...
A young boy in the playground

A way to go.

One little boy. The little boy was sitting patiently at home, waiting for his older sister to visit ...
Children funded in May

Transforming the lives of children, together.

Funded by you! The month of May provided some glee as we returned to a sense of normality, ...
Young girl drawing with an intense look on her face.

School in the time of Covid 19

Art day before Covid (Originally written Monday 20th April – update soon)April 2020, was the 8th year anniversary ...

Revelations of another year (2017)

Kianh Kids Change is the only certainty in life, or is it death and taxes and change. Concisely ...


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Huyện Điện Bàn,
Tỉnh Quảng Nam,
Việt Nam